Day 13 - Tuesday 31st March
I didn't sleep at all well, so a bit of a late start for me this morning, but I'm still at my desk by 9.30 after listening to the excellent More or Less on BBC Radio 4 which takes a reassuringly analytical approach to the statistics behind CV. A few emails to deal with, followed by a fairly detailed job application that's due in today, then a little too much social media. As always, I try to share mainly positive stories. I'm horrified to read on Twitter of a local landlord who is threatening to wind up two entire chains because the branches he hosts as tenants can't pay their rent this month. Yesterday rent-to-own operators Brighthouse and restaurant group Carluccios both went into administration - no doubt the first of many. Radio 4's lunchtime phone You and Yours is full of people who have fallen through the gaps of the chancellor's programme to underwrite jobs and on the news programme that follows I'm alarmed to hear that many UK citizens are stil...