Day 38 - Saturday 25th April

I start the day by attending a webinar on productivity. I'm really struggling during the crisis to stay focused and avoid procrastination. I think that the enforced pause removes the sense of urgency to complete anything and even though I recognise that intellectually I am having difficulty overcoming it. In one sense I do have more time, but equally I'm not taking the opportunity to use that extra time to achieve more, and then I beat myself up about it.

It's just too beautiful outside to be indoors today, so after lunch I weed my vegetable beds and plant up some vegetable scraps that I've read might grow back, then I spend some time in my hammock listening to the Outrage and Optimism podcast and reading a recipe book. Then I take my camera into the garden and photograph whatever I can find. All pure procrastination but so what… it's Saturday. It's not that I do nothing - I'm busy all day - I'm just not doing the things I feel I should be doing. My most constructive achievement today was to spend an hour getting my filing up to date.

A friend has posted that the queue for B&Q is an hour long today. What is wrong with people? I realise that the lockdown is a great opportunity to do some DIY but they deliver … I can't see the point of going to a store and risking infection when it's not absolutely essential. Having said that, I still can't get a grocery delivery slot so at some point one of us is going to have to go to the supermarket. I have got fruit and veg arriving on Monday, though.

I have a call scheduled with my friend at 6pm so I take it with a G&T on the sun lounger in the garden. She's been working and her voice sounds croaky but personality-wise she's back to her normal self, which is lovely to hear. I'm disgusted at her employers for returning her to work - which is largely phone-based - before she's really ready. She was furloughed while sick with CV so it's not like they can't afford for her to stay off work until she has properly recovered.

After dinner, hubby and I watch season 2 of Afterlife which is a poignant reminder that not everyone is OK. It also makes me recall a heartbreaking interview I heard on the radio yesterday with a man who has terminal cancer and who is isolating with his wife when he had planned to be making memories with his family. It seems to me inhumane that people in such circumstances should be kept apart - surely after an appropriate period of isolation to ensure they are virus-free, people could be allowed to combine their households?

Tonight I am grateful my family are all in good health.


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