Day 27 - Tuesday 14th April

Not the best night. After two sleepless nights in a row I hoped I'd get to sleep easily but my brain was just too busy. Finally resorted to medication - the penultimate tablet of an antihistamine I've found very helpful in the past. It clearly worked, but I was woken at 8am by my alarm which I really should have switched off. I doze a little but can't get properly back to sleep. I'm feeling lethargic and slow-witted so I embrace it and give myself permission for a lazier day than I had planned. I finish two out of the three job applications I had planned to submit, and set myself a reminder to do the remaining one tomorrow.

I message my friend who is recovering from CV and suggest an online movie night - in normal life we often go to the cinema together so it's an ideal activity for us. She loves the idea so I do some research to find the best platform we can use on our PCs. She doesn't have Netflix so we can use Netflix Party, but we both have Amazon Prime so we just need an app that's compatible with that. TwoSeven is designed specifically for online watch parties and there's a Chrome extension for the PC. If that doesn't work for us it looks like we can use Google Hangouts.

I try again to secure another online grocery delivery date, planning to get one in the diary for a few weeks ahead so that we can populate the shopping basket as we run out of things. No joy. I'll keep trying every day as they seem to be released sporadically and fill up fast. Hubby is prepared go to the supermarket if necessary but I'm not comfortable sending him when I'm not prepared to go myself. I'm still unsure whether I'm categorised as vulnerable. Due to damage caused by previous pneumonia - specifically, bronchiectasis - I am prone to chest infections, have a standing prescription for preventative antibiotics to taken whenever I get a cold, and receive an annual flu jab. However, my condition isn't specifically listed as one requiring shielding and I haven't received the official letter that was being sent to those considered vulnerable.

After dinner (steak for the carnivore/greens mac and cheese for the veggies) we play an escape room game. There are three games in the box and we're tempted to play the one called virus but apparently they increase in difficulty and that's one's hardest so we start at the beginning with breakout - almost as appropriate, since it's set in a gaol. We escape with 5 minutes to spare, despite the hint cards being in Norwegian … thank you, Google translate.

Today the death rate for coronavirus has been adjusted to take into account deaths that didn't occur in hospital, and is now causing over one-fifth of all deaths in the UK. There is particular concern about care homes, where there is a high death rate and where deaths hadn't previously been included in the daily totals. Hubby and I have the habit of watching something undemanding on TV immediately before I go to bed - I find it helps clear my mind and put some distance between me and alarming current events. Tonight after we have watched he starts a conversation about the death rate and becomes exasperated when I ask if we can talk about it another time.

Tonight I am grateful that I have a well-stocked fridge again.


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