Day 41 - Tuesday 28th April

Where are the birds? I'm waking early these days and should be able to hear the dawn chorus … but there isn't one. This morning just the bird that sounds like a squeaky wheel. We have a robin and a blackbird who nest in our garden, magpies and pigeons who visit and raid our veg plot, and we regularly see red kites soaring on the thermals overheads (although far fewer of those than a couple of years ago too). And that's all. Perhaps not the most relevant observation in a pandemic, but still worrying.

My friend with Covid messages to say she had a calmer night with much less coughing although little sleep. It's a grey day with rain forecast which is a pity because when I spoke to my sister yesterday she suggested that when I drop off the Google Dot for Mum we could sit on her wall and have a socially-distanced chat. However, there has been an exciting development (fanfare please) … I got an online delivery! It's booked for tomorrow evening and we have until last thing tonight to finalise it but I start it off with some essentials and messages friends and family to see if they need anything. Unfortuantely I leave myself very little time to shower and wash my hair for this morning's zoom board meeting but I make it just in time.

At the meeting I am voted in as co-chair of our local climate change partnership and pick up the chair of the meeting which somehow manages to cover the entire agenda despite getting kicked out of zoom three times and accommodating one-minute silence for deceased care workers at 11am. I go straight to a call with a recruiter about a job I've applied for (and which has been mothballed until July) and any other possible opportunities that might be suitable. Then a very brief break for lunch before the HMRC's webinar about furlough applications.

An afternoon of general admin and then a rush to prepare enchiladas for dinner before an online workshop about managing anxiety in a pandemic, delivered by a local ethical business network whose live events I often attend. It's good, and I enjoy seeing some familiar faces as well as making some new connections. After dinner we each add our somewhat aspirational requirements to the online shop. I go last and before I've finished I'm hit with an 80 item limit that means I have to lose about 15% of our trolley contents.

Tonight I am grateful for delivery slots!


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