Day 74 - Monday 1st June

I awake with a new sense of purpose and a determination to be productive. I have meetings from 9.30 and 10.30 for the climate change partnership and before that I drop an email to the council that has made me an offer, asking for a call. The consultancy I interviewed for has sent me a contract but I have to leave it until after my meetings before reviewing it; I also send a copy to my friend who is a recruitment consultant to ask for her views on the content. It's a long time since I reviewed an employment contract.

At noon I have my call with the council and ask them for more time ... I need to be really sure I am making the right choice and we agree on noon Thursday as the final deadline. They ask if there's anything they can do to help me decide and I ask some more questions ... I have concerns around the fact that it's only a two year contract and also about commuting to a place where I should really use public transport, which raises concerns about the risk of infection.

It's another hot, sunny day so after grabbing a quick lunch I decide to do some gardening; it gets me away from the screen and into the fresh air. Then I have a zoom call and another batch of desk work before my second coaching session. We talk about how I will manage the transition to employment while still maintaining my chair duties - it's going to take some juggling and it's clear I'll have to scale down my level of involvement.

Our son has gone out to meet friends in the park by the river, he says he'll be back for dinner. He took his lacrosse net and a ball, but when he returns he said they mainly kicked the ball around and used the net to fish it out of the river. He seems in good spirits. I have my usual yoga class and then we have dinner - the black bean quesadillas I prepare for my son and I end up a bit deconstructed, but they're tasty enough. My stomach is bloated and sore, though - usually a sign of stress - so I don't enjoy it much.

The news from the USA is increasingly depressing; riots have followed the death of George Floyd. Coming on top of Trump's mismanagement of the Covid crisis it seems society is under a lot of pressure. Here the death toll keeps climbing steadily and we remain at level 4, with today's relaxation of restrictions feeling premature to me. Today I am grateful that we only have a pandemic to deal with.


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