Day 78 - Friday 5th June

After a late night I allow myself to wake a little later this morning - when I do get up, I find my son hasn't yet gone to bed. I have a long and growing to-do list, though, in order to get the decks cleared for my return to full-time employment. Today I am letting people know that I have a new job - although it doesn't materially affect my voluntary activities, since my new employer will allow me to fulfil them as part of my remit, it does mean I have to be more disciplined about now over-committing to those roles. I exchange messages with my co-chair at the climate change partnership, speak to my deputy at the business community partnership and have a call with my primary contact at the council about how to hand over some parts of my climate change portfolio, then begin the process of letting others know.

Over lunch I listen to a webinar about the journey to zero carbon, and then I register to watch the Story of Plastic movie which Surfers Against Sewage has made available free of charge in support for Earth Day today. I get the sourdough out of the fridge and bake the loaf, it turns out well although it has stuck to the greaseproof paper. I don't get round to the things I really wanted to do today until quite late in the day. I have some unclaimed shares that seem to be worth a fair amount of cash and a PPI claim that has been rejected and against which I wish to appeal. I have another chat with my daughter about plans to meet up - the weather forecast hasn't improved so we're still keeping our options open but I suggest that we pick up food from the street food pop-up that has converted to a drive-through in response to the covid situation.

It has been announced today that face coverings will be mandatory on public transport from 15th June. However, people arriving from overseas will be required to quarantine for 14 days from 8th June. So for a full week people who will be taking public transport to the place where they will be quarantining, without the requirement to wear a mask on the journey. I'm still appalling by how incoherent our coronavirus measures seem to be - there seems to be little joined-up thinking and although the politicians claim to be following the science, the scientists frequently contradict them.

It's time to cook and hubby still hasn't washed up - that's our deal, whoever cooks doesn't wash up, but he's doing it later and later and consequently dinner is increasingly delayed. He only told me this afternoon that he has a zoom call with old school friends planned at 8pm and it's nearly that time when he finishes washing up, leaving clean pans all over the hob that I have to clear away before I can use it. Our son isn't up either, so I guess we'll be eating late. I've planned a chilli recipe with lots of trimmings as we usually make a bit more effort at the weekends, but there's every chance I'll be sitting down to eat it alone. I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself to be honest.

My son probably senses the frustration in my voice when I call him to tell him dinner is ready, and although he's a bit dazed and confused to begin with he soon livens up and is good company. He tells me that he's going to try a new strategy to try and get his body clock back to normal, staying up a couple of hours later each day. Hubby is having a meat-based chilli and I leave it for him to serve himself after his call. He's heard today that the project he's been waiting to work on may start up again soon and he thinks he might re-start work again before I do.

Today I am grateful that my husband might get back to work.


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