Day 88 - Monday 15th June

Ugh. I wake soon after 4; it is already light and despite best efforts I didn't manage to get up to sleep. At 6 I give up. Since hubby admitted that he had watched Snowpiercer without me I have been regretting not having seen it so I buy it from Virgin. It's a sobering and thought-provoking watch.

From today masks are mandatory on public transport, and also today non-essential shops are opening - the news reports long queues at stores. I really can't imagine why people would want to queue up to buy anything non-essential at the moment. It really underlines how deeply consumerism has become ingrained in society. Despite a lethal virus people still need to shop that badly? I honestly don't understand it. I'm feeling anxious now about yesterday's visitors - I was very scrupulous about hygiene when preparing food but I can't remember washing my hands after loading the dishwasher and there's a niggling worry at the back of my mind that I might have become infected. A new outbreak has occurred in Beijing, leading to a return to lockdown. I feel that this could easily happen here.

I have a meeting with the Climate Change ops team this morning, then get some laundry underway before the online shop arrives. I have ordered groceries for my Mum and my sick friend, so that needs sorting out and their bills calculating. After lunch I run my friend's groceries over to her; Mum can wait until tomorrow when I'm seeing her anyway. It's a dry, warm day so I get some laundry done - there's nothing quite like line-dried bedding.

Our son gets up at a reasonable time today, he has one more essay to submit tomorrow, for philosophy, and then his exams are over. He seems pretty motivated and we start to make plans for after exams; I suggest he restarts learning to drive and takes his test as soon as it's possible and he agrees. He's asked if he girlfriend can come over tomorrow for a socially distanced chat in the garden - we agree that it's fine. We also have a conversation about whether she could move in with us until they return to Bristol for uni. We decide that although it would not be appropriate for her to move to and fro between our two households she could effectively move in with us and stay until she goes back to Bristol.

My yoga teacher has cancelled, as she's not feeling well. My son has asked me to proof-read his philosophy essay before he submits it, so I use the time for that. He's asked me to cook a recipe we had when he was first home from uni but couldn't really taste at the time. I do so, but find it's pretty insipid - I'm sure it was spicier last time. Hubby and I watch the second episode of the drama about the Salisbury poisonings before bed. Today I am grateful for not needing to go shopping.


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