Day 98 - Thursday 25th June

Up at 8 - hubby has decided to come on my morning walk today and we set off about quarter past. I wanted to check out the woodland walk behind the new development that replaced a Victorian reservoir near us; I hadn't wanted to risk it alone yesterday. It was underwhelming - a narrow strip of trees, with a dried up pond and evidence of a party. It looks much better from the outside. We get back around 9; I do some laundry and catch up on emails, plus a burst of social media for the climate change consultation which ends on Sunday.

I spend a couple of hours on collections and deliveries - to one friend's house to pick up the flour I ordered from her online shop, to another's to deliver the caesar salads I ordered with my groceries and forgot to give her when she picked up yesterday, to my sister's to drop off a drill, Mum's to drop off groceries, and another friend's house to give the laminating pockets I found while having a clear-out. I get back at 1pm and make ramen for the family. Shortly after, Mum asks about the grated cheese she ordered, and I realise that I gave it to my friend yesterday instead of her caesar salads.

We eat on the veranda in the shade of the sail. It's a hit. It's around 2pm when we finish lunch and we have friends due at 5pm - two ex-colleagues - so I prepare some salads for a barbeque. While I'm cooking I hear that driving lessons will be allowed from 4th July, so our son can plan towards his driving test. At around 3.45 I go to sit in the sun for half an hour, which expands to 45 minutes. It's a little cloudier now, but still exceptionally warm. At 4.30 I go to shower and wash my hair, and on the way see a car pulling up to our gate - half an hour early! I let hubby know but he's going to have to host as I need that shower badly. 30 minutes later I re-emerge feeling refreshed and having shaped the sourdough and left it to prove. Not bad.

We sit and chat on the veranda for a couple of hours before I cook, spaced out around two tables. One friend can't stay for dinner and it feels really awkward with the remaining one sat alone at one table while we are at another. She has brought some delicious desserts as well as wine. She had a major medical emergency a year ago tomorrow and there's some talk about how it changes you. I can certainly see this in my friend who had Covid.

There has been much news today about overcrowding on Bournemouth beach that led to the declaration of a major incident. It worries me that so many people are prepared to take such risks; it also annoys me to see the huge amount of litter they leave behind. It really seems that a large proportion of the country has decided that the pandemic is effectively over and that they don't need to take precautions any more.

It's dark when she leaves but we decide to take down the sail as thunderstorms are forecast and it's not designed for extreme weather. It's easy enough. Then we watch an episode of QI filmed in March without a studio audience, but with the panellists only about a metre apart. I wonder why they decided to continue filming in the studio while Have I Got New For You, which uses a similar set-up, moved to remote participation.

Tonight I am grateful for having sensible friends and family.


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