Day 114 - Saturday 11th July

As usual for a Saturday I'm up first and spend the morning alone. Clearing up the hall I find a cool bag with some tahini in, so I finish off the humous and make some felafel ready for lunch. I unload the dishwasher, clear up the kitchen, put on the first load of laundry and get it out on the line to dry. Still no sign of anybody else. My son and his girlfriend are going to my daughter's house tonight for dinner and have asked me for a lift late-afternoon. We had talked about a lunch-time drink in the garden of a local independent pub as an act of solidarity, but at this rate we won't have time.

I grab some lunch and get on with more chores.  Finally hubby emerges, and then a hungry son. He tells me they're still up for a drink at the pub and I tell him what's for lunch. I go to the garden to plant out my basil seedlings and cane my tomato plants and wait to see what develops. Hubby books a table at the pub for 3pm and we arrive just after; I'll have to leave by 3.45 to be home in time for the grocery delivery. We find a table we like and wait for somebody to come and take our order. They have both craft beer and artisan gins. I'm not surprised when my son goes for the smoked porter, and I choose a gin made by a micro-distillery in Bristol. As we sip them and discuss preferred humous recipes I joke that we have never been more middle-class.

Hubby and I leave the teens there and go home to await the delivery. I've got all our carrier bags ready as the last driver said he'd take them, but this one says no. Whatever am I going to do with them? We had loads after all the grocery deliveries. The teens arrive home and my son asks if we can stop the way to my daughter's house to pick up a bottle of wine; I tell him I ordered a bottle of white rioja with the groceries and laugh out loud when his response is "you're good at this!"- yup, after nearly 20 years I've finally nailed parenting.

I drop them off and stay for a while to play with my grandson and his new kitchen. When I get home I check the rules for gatherings. We've been invited to a friend's 50th in August - he's inviting 20 people for a party in his garden. The government guidance is quite confusing - it says only two households of up to six people can meet outside but also that gatherings of more than 30 people are illegal. I think that means you can organise outdoor private events for up to 30 people but only 6 can meet in public places, but I'm not entirely sure. I had been hoping to organise a mini festival on the weekend when my favourite festival would have taken place - that's in two week's time. I also want to invite my entire family over for a barbeque, as we would usually do on sunny weekends.

We have a TV dinner and start watching The Mandalorian; I enjoy a low-alcohol mojito spritz and after dinner I open the chocolates my friend gave me. My son's girlfriend is lending us her Disney+ subscription but it won't run on the TV so we're having to beam it from hubby's tablet. The sound is out of sync and it keeps freezing; finally on episode 3 it stops working altogether. We revert to the tiny screen of the tablet for one episode and then I have to leave. Everybody is quite giggly when I arrive - not just a glass or two of wine but they've been playing Scrawl which creates some ridiculously amusing outcomes.

Not quite sleepy enough when I get home; hubby is watching football so I watch TV in my office before bed. Tonight I am grateful that my children have a great relationship.


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